Mastering: Foundations of Coaching and Mentoring

Foundations of Coaching and Mentoring provides the opportunity for experienced teachers to develop and apply coaching conversation skills for mentoring/coaching other teachers. This program offers learning and support in coaching, observation, and feedback training and support.

There is no doubt mentoring is good for new teachers, this is why beginning teachers in the State of Missouri are required to have an assigned mentor teacher to assist them during their first two years in the classroom. Mentors benefit from the experience as well. The investment in the mentor teacher may actually provide greater rewards for a district given the mentor teacher’s established role and influence.

This course meets the Mentor training standards as outlined by DESE, and will provide training for mentors that provides the best possible experience for novice teachers and mentors/coaches alike.

This program provides

  • coaching, observation, and feedback training and support
  • consultant support
  • regional networking with other mentor teachers
  • opportunities to apply newly acquired skills with beginning teachers
  • competency-based programming
  • access to experts, including a state-wide event with Mike Rutherford

MTDS Competencies

Foundations of Coaching and Mentoring emphasizes the following MTDS Competency:

  • Reflective Learner Increases Knowledge and Skill through Professional Learning
  • Professional Communicates Professionally